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Excursion to the Castle of Ali Pasha


The castle of Ali Pasha

The journey takes about 2 hours. The starting point is above the beach of the town of Parga opposite the islet of Panagia.

Passing by the ring road of the town and through a beautiful green and olive tree filled route we pass through the village of Anthousa.

After Anthousa the vegetation becomes wilder and passing the small gorge of Despotis and at a distance of 5km from Parga we reach the castle of Ali Pasha. In the half hour stop at the castle, the passenger can enjoy the magnificent view of the Ionian Sea. From Corfu and Paxos the view continues to Lefkada, while Parga and Valtos seem so close that you feel like reaching out and touching them.

The tour is led by our experienced guides.

On the way back there is another stop in Anthousa for 20 minutes and we return to the starting point by the same road.


Daily 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 17:15, 19:00 (Sunset)


Adults 9 €
Children 6 €
Children up to 6 years old Free
